How to Support Us

Barnabas, Inc.

Founded in 1974 Barnabas, Inc. is a recognized 501(c)(3) Religious Non-profit Organization.

Barnabas, Inc. is totally dependent on God and his people for financial support, prayer and participation for its continued growth and impact.

Become involved with


Barnabas relies on God and his people for prayer, participation, and financial support for its continued growth and impact. Register here to receive updates and significant insights.

Barnabas, Inc., founded in 1974 is a recognized 501(c)(3) Religious Non-profit Organization.

Financial support for Barnabas can be sent made out to Barnabas to:

P.O. Box 1358
Lake Forest , CA 92609


At our website usingĀ Donate button website:

Contact Info

Barnabas, Inc.
P.O. Box 1358
Lake Forest , CA 92609

Founder: Chuck Miller
Associate: Fred Carpenter (949)-510-1175
E-mail: [email protected]

Office Phone: (949) 457-3546

Thank you.